• positive review  I appreciate everything you have done with Alba and Jesus these three weeks at your School. Thank you so much. They told me that are looking forward to seeing her parents, but in the other hand they love to stay at your School and told me they are going to miss teachers and students, because they are so friendly.

    Nikita Martensita Avatar Nikita Martensita
    September 21, 2016
  • positive review  Mio figlio ha vissuto una fantastica esperienza sia in famiglia che a scuola. DLTC è un'ottima scuola che riesce ad amalgamare bene tutti gli studenti provenienti da vari Paesi europei. Consigliatissima sia come esperienza di vita che di studio.

    Antonella Jennifer Iolli Avatar Antonella Jennifer
    July 23, 2019
  • positive review  J'ai été très heureux de faire ce séjour qui m'a beaucoup apporté . L'accueil a été particulièrement sympathique , autant avec les professeurs que la famille et j'ai vraiment pu prendre confiance en moi en anglais ! Merci à DLTC ! Guillaume

    Guillaume Hecht Avatar Guillaume Hecht
    August 19, 2016