Student, Teacher and Parent Comments
20/11/2019: “The classes were very organized. The families were lovely and welcoming. And we really enjoyed your school’s excursions. We will be back. Thank you.” – Lis, Germany, General English course.
11/10/2019: “The best thing about our stay was the whole atmosphere. The teachers were excellent and our activity programme was lots of fun and really well-organised.” – Raffaela, Italy, School Group Leader.
10/09/2019: Buon giorno, grazie a tutto lo staff della DLTC school per il corso estivo di nostro figlio. Nostro figlio si è trovato molto bene sia a scuola che in famiglia. E’ tornato entusiasta da questa sua prima esperienza all’estero e ci ha chiesto di poterla ripetere la prossima estate. Grazie ancora e a presto – Giorgio, Parent – Italy
27/08/2019: Grazie mille di tutto. Mi figlio ha vissuto una bella ed importante esperienza. E’ stato molto contento e sicuramente farà tesoro delle tre settimane trascorse in Irlanda. E’ stato soddisfatto delle lezioni e delle attività pomeridiane. Come genitore, vi ringrazio per la precisa e costante comunicazione. – Serena, Parent – Italy
22/07/2019: My son was really good with you. He returned home enthusiastic and wanted to do another week. He loved being in a family. He made new friends and improved his English – besides the fact that he now feels more autonomous – Antonella, Parent – Italy
24/07/2019: Mis hijas han vuelto muy contentas de la experiencia, les ha gustado muchísimo, y sobre todo están muy contentas con las familias que han tenido las dos. Se han sentido muy a gusto tanto en el cole, como en las actividades, cómo con las familias. – Marisa, madre de dos estudiantes – Spain
23/07/2019: The accommodation and the summer camp are great – my son enjoys staying there: the language classes, excursions and Ireland in general. – Oleksandr, Group Leader – Ukraine
14/12/2018: We did a survey with our students to ask how they liked school, the program in the afternoon and the families. Well, they were all very enthusiastic about the trip and everybody told us that they would come again if they could. That’s great news I think. – Simone, Group Leader – Germany
11/12/2018: Recomendaría este curso/academia a mis amigos por la atención personal, la gestión y la calidad del servicio. – Begona, Madre de estudiante – Spain
05/12/2018: Abbiamo trovato, anche quest’anno, sia una elevata qualità formativa che tutta una serie di contenuti extra scolastici (gite, visite ai siti di interesse storico artistico, eventi ludici e di aggregazione, etc.) che sono serviti a far maturare nostro figlio. Altro valore aggiunto dell’esperienza di nostro figlio per il corso nell’anno 2017 è stata la ormai ben sperimentata disponibilità, cortesia e competenze del direttore e del Suo Staff. Anche la residenza presso un ospite locale, contribuisce a rendere il corso estivo in lingua inglese presso il DLTC, una esperienza che consiglieri agli amici. – Giuseppe, Parent of Summer Junior Student
03/12/2018: Le personnel est très réactif et très aimable. C’est un plaisir de les contacter!! Pour la deuxième année consécutive, mon fils est enchanté et sera de nouveau parmi vous l’été 2019. ecole tres serieuse et de confiance. beaucoup de dynamisme et de suivi – Isabelle, parent – France
02/12/2018: Molto soddisfatto. Comunicazione rapida ed efficace .. Ci sembra che il servizio ricevuto sia stato al livello delle aspettative e concorrenziale con proposte similari – Lamberto, father of student – Italy
30/11/2018: “Hatten viel Spaß, viele coole Leute getroffen, sehr empfehlenswert” – Detlef, Parent of Summer Junior Student
10/11/2018: Consiglierebbe questo corso/questa scuola agli amici? Sì, perché: Affidabilità, disponibilità, qualità della vacanza soggiorno nel suo complesso, informazioni ricevute, accuratezza delle informazioni – Michelangelo, Parent of Summer Junior Student
26/09/2018: Expérience vraiment enrichissante. Mon fils a mûri, grandi ..progressé en Anglais. De vrais souvenirs – Helene, Parent of Summer Junior Student
13/08/2018: Our son is back from his second Irish experience with you. He told us everything went well and he is happy of the period he passed both with his host family and with the school. We read the report of his English lessons: it looks like he is improving his ability in speaking English. But what, we parents, care more about and that your organization seems to satisfy, is that he is growing and becoming more mature and independent. Thank you for all you do. – Barbara, Parent of Summer Junior Student
11/07/2018: Sólo unas líneas para deciros que mi hijo ha estado muy contento y muy bien estos días que ha pasado ahí. La estancia ha sido fructífera, ya que partía con un conocimiento mínimo del idioma y creo que estos días le han servido para al menos aprender a comunicarse y perder el miedo a hablar Inglés. Ha estado muy contento con la familia y quiere repetir el año que viene tanto la estancia como la familia – Cristina, Parent of Summer Junior Student
21/11/2017: Je tiens à préciser que ma fille a été très heureuse de son séjour en Ireland à Don Laoghaire et qu’il est probable qu’elle y retourne l’an prochain. – Celine, Parent of Summer Junior Student
10/10/2017: Mi hijo viene muy muy contento tanto de lo que ha aprendido, del trato con los monitores, compañeros y en general con todo. El trato con la familia ha sido muy especial. Está muy agradecido a todos, y por supuesto nosotros queremos hacerle llegar nuestro agradecimiento. Tal es el grado de satisfacción que quiere volver al año q viene y además quiere estar otra vez con la misma familia. – Ana, Parent of Summer Junior Student
16/09/2017: We appreciated the perfect organization of the trip you provided us with. I will certainly recommend your language school because we really had an amazing stay in Ireland. – Christine, Leader with School Group
11/08/2017: Thank you very much for all. My son arrived home well yesterday and enjoyed his stay in Ireland. Perhaps next summer, he will go to Dublin with his little sister. My wife was worried at first about him going but now she is happy too! – Anthony, France, father of student on English with Activities for Teenagers (Dun Laoghaire)
01/08/2017: Thanks alot to DLTC for the good organization and the very good and very rich program. I will leave my write in the site. – Giovanna, Italy, mother of student on English with Activities for Teenagers (Dun Laoghaire)
28/07/2017: My son has not given up talking about his stay in Ireland. It was a fantastic experience. Congratulations on your organization. Everything was perfect. Thanks for everything. – Umberto, Italy, father of student on English with Activities for Teenagers (Dun Laoghaire)
14/07/2017: Je profite de ce mail pour signaler que ma fille est ravie de l’accueil que lui font la familee d’accueil. – Marie, France, mother of student on English with Activities for Teenagers (Dun Laoghaire)
07/07/2017: Lo primero agradeceros la buena organización y el trato recibido en este campamento. Los comentarios de mi hija durante estos días que está allí son en el 99% de los casos muy buenos. – Diana, Spain, mother of student on English with Activities for Teenagers (Dun Laoghaire)
25/04/2013: For me the whole course was useful – the grammar, the speaking and the afternoon activities. My teacher was excellent – I love her teaching method! – Riccardo, Italy, General English Course
25/04/2013: The best things were the teacher, classmates and atmosphere. My teacher checked all the extra homework I did. It was very good because we were no more than 5 students in the class. – Marta, Spain, General English Course
31/03/2013: Very interesting lessons and we can speak a lot – useful. My host family is very kind – excellent accommodation! – Francesca, Italy, General English Course
31/03/2013: The lesson is very easy-going and I have learnt a lot at the same time..perfect combination. The teacher is excellent and my host family make me feel at home. – Elisa, Spain, General English Course
19/03/2013: The teacher was very well educated and friendly. The class well-structured. The school communicates well, is well-organised and offers a lot activities for students after school. – Joerg, Germany, General English Course
19/03/2013: The best thing about the course was the “speaking” practice and the small groups. Everything was ok. Thanks – Isabel, Spain, General English Course
11/03/2013: It was great to meet people from other countries. The teacher is good. I hope to return next year. I felt at home in my host family. – Vincenza, Italy, General English Course
11/03/2013: The course was very good. The teacher doesn’t waste time. The school organises things for students. My host family is kind and made the effort to speak with me. – Mathilde, France, General English Course
11/03/2013: The course’s been perfect. My teacher has been a fantastic teacher for this experience. – Marcello, Italy, General English Course
25/02/2013: The best thing was the speaking because fluent speaking is most important for me. The course had good structure and well-chosen contents. Very nice, helpful staff and teacher. – Christian, German, General English Course
15/02/2013: Very good teacher .. I’m satisfied .. except my stay was too short. My host mother helped me learn and was available when I needed. Thanks to all the team! – Emmanuel, Belgium, General English Course
15/02/2013: All the course was useful for me. My teacher was excellent. My host family are very, very, very nice .. the best family in Ireland. I will return! – Francisco, Spain, General English Course
18/02/2013: The best thing about the course was the speaking. My teacher was very professional; the contents were serious and enjoyable; and my experience was great! – Axel, France, General English Course
28/01/2013: The best thing about the course was the conversation and hearing English. It’s a good school and sometimes hard which is good for learning. – Igor, Croatia, General English Course
07/12/2012: My teacher was fantastic and all the course contents are really useful. Everybody at DLTC is very friendly and the environment is perfect. I’ll come back! – Anna, Spain, General English Course
07/12/2012: The best thing was the small number of students in class so we had plenty of time for corrections. The teachers are very friendly and helpful and I want to say thanks to them! – Ruza, Croatia, General English Course
14/12/2012: The lessons are interesting. The teacher is really good, patient and well-educated. I really enjoyed the extra activities organised by the school. – Jacopo, Italy, General English Course
06/12/2012: My teacher was excellent – answered all questions, had a very good teaching level and always a smile. Stunning experience at DLTC! – Leo, France, General English Course
23/11/2012: I have had two teachers – both of them fantastic. I started from elementary class and I can say that it’s great because now I can speak! I’m very happy with this experience. – Ottavio, Italy, General English Course
05/11/2012: The best thing about the course is that we speak a lot. My teacher is really good and my host family – very friendly. The school is very well organized. – Abel, Spain, General English Course
06/11/2012: I have passed the CAE exam with grade A! I would like to thank the teachers for their excellent work, dedication and enthusiasm. I was really impressed by the DLTC. – Dorota, , Cambridge CAE Course
26/10/2012: The best thing about the course was that I learnt many words and I spoke a lot in the class, so I could practice the grammar under the teacher’s supervision. My teacher was very kind and helpful and the afternoon trips were nice and funny! – Valentina, Italy, General English Course
19/10/2012: What I liked the most about the course were the subjects we were learning, the teacher, the classmates and a great atmosphere in class. All the staff are great! – Maria, Portugal, General English Course
19/10/2012: My teacher is excellent. She teaches a lot of things. – Michiko, Japan, General English Course
19/10/2012: The best thing about the course was its organization. My teacher was great and the school was welcoming, with a friendly team. – David, France, General English Course
19/10/2012: The best thing about the course was that it was very conversational – we talked most of the time and that is very important for me. My experience at the DLTC was very good! – Vanessa, Spain, General English Course
12/10/2012: The best thing about the course was that I learned many words and phrasal verbs. My class was small and the atmosphere was very good. – Mariko, Japan, General English Course
08/10/2012: My teacher was excellent. The experience here was very good and I’ll never forget it. My host family was very good – friendly and kind. – Besiana, Switzerland, General English Course
08/10/2012: Everything was perfect although not enough homework. My teacher was excellent. The office is professional. Host family was excellent and if I come back, I will stay with them again – Malgorzata, Poland, General English Course
08/10/2012: I’m very glad with my experience at the school. You helped me with everything. I will recommend you to my students. – Jordi, Spain, General English Course
01/10/2012: The best thing about the course was the possibility to speak a lot in class as the number of students was small. The teacher was well-prepared and funny. – Andrea, Italy, General English Course
01/10/2012: The best thing about the course was that we were talking a lot. Everything was perfect. – Marina, Croatia, General English Course
21/09/2012: My teacher was very friendly. We practised speaking a lot. I enjoyed my experience at the DLTC and I hope to come back again. – Pilar, Spain, General English Course
21/09/2012: I enjoyed my stay at your school and my English has improved a lot. Recommendable!! – Marina, Germany, General English Course
21/09/2012: I would repeat the experience if I could. Friendly staff makes you feel at home. Thank you all, DLTC – you are the best! – Jely, Ecuador, General English Course
07/09/2012: The best thing about the course was that I’ve learned a lot and I have improved my English. I would stay here again without hesitation. – Zahira, Spain, General English Course
07/09/2012: My teacher is very good – she speaks very clearly and explains grammar in an excellent way! – Silvia, Italy, General English Course
05/09/2012: I like the course because you practise your speaking a lot and that is the difference between the DLTC and language schools in Spain. – Ander, Spain, General English Course
31/08/2012: The best thing about the course was the conversation in class. I liked learning vocabulary. My teacher was very good. – Elias, Lebanon, General English Course
31/08/2012: My experience at the DLTC was very good – the school cares about the students. – Ruth, Spain, General English Course
31/08/2012: My teacher was very friendly and the course contents were excellent, combining grammar with loads of speaking. My host family were like a second family to me. – Céline, France, General English Course
31/08/2012: The best thing about the course was the perfect balance between learning grammar and practising spoken English. I liked the professionalism of the school and the excursions. My “Irish mom” has always been kind and we’ve had a good time! – Enrico, Italy, General English Course
24/08/2012: Both of my teachers were excellent. I’ve had a very good experience and I would like to repeat it. – Laura, Spain, General English Course
23/08/2012: My teacher was very friendly and helpful and I always enjoyed my classes. We did not only learn the grammar, but we also practised it afterwards. The family I stayed with was excellent. I really had the feeling that I’m welcome in their house. – Ingo, Germany, General English Course
23/08/2012: My teachers were very good and I have learnt many things. I have stayed 10 weeks with 2 different host families – they were both very nice. – Fouad, Saudi Arabia, General English Course
18/08/2012: The best thing about the course was that we could speak a lot and also we learned grammar. The teacher was very good and it was a good experience. My host family was excellent! – Cristina, Spain, General English Course
27/07/2012: I like the course because there are a lot of speaking exercises. I think I learned a lot of English. Very nice people and very nice teachers. I like the school’s system and if I can, I will come back next summer. – Alba, Spain, General English Course
29/06/2012: The best thing about the course was the teacher. The course is very balanced and everything was useful. – Maria Emanuela, Italy, General English Course
29/06/2012: The best thing about the course was that I learned English sufficiently. My teacher was funny, patient and always helped alot. It was a great experience at the DLTC. – Ana, Croatia, General English Course
22/06/2012: Everything was very good. Every day different activities and always something to laugh about. – Miriam, Germany, General English Course
22/06/2012: I think I’ve improved my English very quickly – very good teachers with a lot of patience. Everything has been great – the classes, the teachers, the students – time flies in school! – Anna, Spain, General English Course
08/06/2012: The best thing was the small number of students in the class and the staff are very friendly .. everything was excellent! – Dorette, Switzerland, General English Course
08/06/2012: The teacher was very clear and accurate. The course conforms to my needs. Everything has gone alright. Excellent. – Massimo, Italy, General English Course
01/06/2012: The classes are very funny and have lots of conversation. – Marina, Brazil, General English Course
25/05/2012: Excellent teacher, well-organized, interesting, great explanations and examples, patient, relaxing, funny .. the best! – Jadranka, Croatia, General English Course
11/05/2012: An absolutely amazing experience, especially because of the activities organized by the school (Irish dancing was my favourite!) – Kathrin, Germany, General English Course
08/05/2012: My teacher explained everything very well – she transforms even boring subjects with interesting activities. I think I’ll come back in the future. – Enrica, Italy, General English Course
01/05/2012: The time flies with my teacher – I have learnt alot with her. At the DLTC, everything was good – a fantastic experience. – Juan, Spain, General English Course
20/04/2012: The best thing about the course was the constant help of the teacher in everything. – Giorgio, Italy, General English Course
04/04/2012: My teacher was excellent. She prepares the classes very well and the classes are interesting, funny and useful. – Olga, Spain, General English Course
31/03/2012: The best thing about the course was the good atmosphere in the school – it’s very good for learning English. I think I have improved my English quickly. – Sebastien, France, General English Course
31/03/2012: The best thing about the course was the reduced number of students in each class. The teachers are excellent – we did very practical things. Everyone in the school are very friendly and helpful. Thanks a million! – Vera, Czech, General English Course
02/04/2012: My time at DLTC was a very nice experience in my life. Every teacher is so kind and fun. My homestay family are very kind – I will keep in touch with them. – Kim, Korea, General English Course
30/03/2012: What was best about the course? Everything! My teacher was very nice, helpful, friendly and good – I’m satisfied – I enjoyed very much this experience – absolutely fantastic! – Emanuele, Italy, General English Course
29/02/2012: Great atmosphere in the school. Very good teacher – easy to learn. Good course, good experience – I learned a lot. – Thomas, France, General English Course
29/02/2012: The best thing about the course was the people. My teacher was very, very patient. The contents are interesting – we were talking about everything. I’m very happy with my choice of school. – Daniela, Italy, General English Course
24/02/2012: There were lots of students from different countries and I liked the social activities because you can continue speaking English after class. – Ana, Spain, General English Course
02/02/2012: The best thing about the school was the atmosphere and my teacher – she was very patient.” – Claudia, Hungary, General English Course
01/02/2012: The course was dynamic. The teacher attentive and explained everything as many times as we wanted – a veyr good teacher. The school has a good atmosphere and everyone is nice and helpful. – Ludivine, France, General English Course
01/02/2012: My teacher speaks very clearly and all the people in the school are very friendly and helpful to me. – Alberto, Spain, General English Course
16/12/2011: Excellent teaching and kindness. My experience at the DLTC was positive in everything. – Salvatore, Italy, General English Course
10/12/2011: Perfect organization, people very friendly, not expensive, teachers helpful, nice place near to the centre .. I surely recommend this school. – Francesca, Italy, General English Course
10/12/2011: My experience at the DLTC? Awesome! I enjoyed a lot, I met friends and I improved my English as I wanted to!! The course was dynamic, useful and well-organised. – Sergio, Spain, General English Course
18/11/2011: Every day I learnt a rule in a simple, clear way. My teacher helped us by correcting every mistake of every student. The staff are available and kind and there is good organisation. – Noemi, Italy, General English Course
14/10/2011: A good school in a nice town by the water. It’s a good idea to offer the excursions to students. All the teachers are very helpful and friendly. – Yvonne, Germany, General English Course
07/10/2011: The best thing about the course? The class is very small with less than 8 students in it. My teacher speaks clearly, corrects my pronunciation, motivates and encourages us” – Liu, Japan, General English Course
16/09/2011: The best thing about the course? The confidence I’ve gained in speaking. The teacher is very organised. The contents are good. Many thanks to everyone! – Diana, Colombia, General English Course
16/09/2011: The best thing about the course was the speaking time. The teacher understands our needs. It’s a very nice school with students from every country – Romina, Italy, General English Course
16/09/2011: The best thing about the course was that there were few people in each class (only 3-8 students per class) and it gave me the confidence to speak. – Rafael, Brazil, General English Course
17/07/2011: I like this school and I would come back here if I can. It’s really nice, good ambiance and very good teacher. – Audrey, France, General English Course
July 2011: Very good teacher. Very interesting and fun classes. – Juan, Spain, General English Course
04/07/2011: The teacher is a really good teacher. I like his method, the way he teaches. I learned lots of new vocabulary. I feel satisfied. Accommodation: The family treat me really well, make me feel comfortable like a member of their family. – Graziana, Italy, General English Course
16/06/2011: Die Sprachschule in Dun Laoghaire ist auch super,… Ich war immer montags im CAE-Kurs, die hat das richtig klasse gemacht. Was ich besonders gut fand, war dass sie nicht nur ihren sturen Unterrichtsplan gemacht hat, sondern vielmehr auf uns eingegangen ist und uns zu – egal worüber wir geredet haben – gleich noch einen größeren Wortschatz aufgezeigt hat. Und sie hat jede Menge Humor mitgebracht, was das Lernen natürlich nochmal gewaltig vereinfacht hat. – Regine, Germany, Evening English Course
16/05/2011: Die Lehrer und das Lernklima sind wirklich gut , da die Klassen bewusst recht klein gehalten werden , damit sich die Lehrer intensiv Zeit für die Schüler nehmen können. – Anne-Kathrin, Germany, Evening English Course
13/03/2011: “I realy enjoyed the course and I improved my English as well as I could.” – Petra, Austria, General English Course.
18/02/2011: “I like the course with my teacher. The course is professional and the school was very good.” – Bernard, France, General English Course.
02/12/2010: “The teachers are well organized and always ready to answer questions.” – Gianpietro, Italy, General English Course.
12/11/2010: “What was best about the course: the small class size. My teachers: spoke very clearly; helped my pronunciation; were very available.” – Andrea, Italy, General English Course.
12/11/2010: “What was best about the course: the priority for speaking and listening. The teachers: excellent teachers. They always take the time to listen to questions and they try everything possible to help us. The family accommodation: Very nice family near the school with the possibility to speak with native English speakers every day” – Gaetan, France, General English Course.
12/11/2010: “The teachers are really well-prepared and warm with their students. My experience at the school has been very good.” – Laura, Italy, General English Course.
05/11/2010: “The classes are very good – a good mix of grammar and conversation. The course has been an interesting experience and has been very useful to me.” – Juan, Spain, General English Course.
15/10/2010: “The best thing about the course was the conversation and the listening. My teacher was clear and simple in her explanations. My experience at the DLTC was Very Good to Excellent.” – Paolo, Italy, General English Course.
08/10/2010: “The best thing about the course was my class, my teacher and my classmates. I’ve learnt so much in just a month!!” – Sara, Spain, General English Course.
01/10/2010: “My teacher is great .. the school is great .. my host mother is so nice” – Tihana, Croatia, General English Course.
24/09/2010: “The best thing about the course was that there was a small number of students in each class and most of the time we practised speaking. There was no waste of time, a lot of homework but nice, clear and motivating. Good idea to have the free afternoon lectures about Irish culture, the walks and films. My host family was really nice and kind.” – Debora, Italy, General English Course.
27/08/2010: “My teacher was fantastic – explaining every day. The course was good and my experience was very good.” – Emilie, France, General English Course.
06/08/2010: “The best thing about the course was being able to learn with a good team of people. The teachers try to teach you with the best atmosphere and I like their way. The course will help me with my job. A good experience that I’ll do again. I have been as in my home with my host family.” – , Spain, General English Course.
19/05/2010: “Ich bin zur Sprachenschule DLTC (Dun Laoghaire Tuition Centre) gegangen, was eine sehr gute Wahl war. Die Lehrer waren sehr nett und immer hilfbereit, ausserdem wurde im Unterricht viel Wert auf Kommunikation, Sprachfertigkeit, Hörverstehen, Lesen und Schreiben, sowie auf die englische Grammatik gelegt. Ich habe in kurzer Zeit viel lernen können und somit in höhere Kurse aufsteigen. In der DLTC wird man meiner Meinung nach sehr gut auf die verschiedenen Exame vorbereitet. Das Lernen macht Spass, weil es in einer lockeren freundlichen Umgebung passiert. Ausserdem bietet die DLTC ab und an kleine Ausflüge oder Veranstaltungen für ihre Studenten an, sodass man auch die Studenten anderer Kurse kennen lernen kann. “ – Laura, Germany, Evening English course.
19/03/2010: “I think that all the course was very nice, interesting and complete. My teacher was very professional. Nice people, very comfortable and that it is open for studying until 8pm is very good.” – Pasquale, Italy, General English course.
05/03/2010: “The best thing about the course was the ambience and the things I learned – it was just what I wanted to learn. Very good teacher, very nice and patient.” – Gabriel, French, General English course.
26/02/2010: “The course is interesting. I am very happy that I found this school.” – Kamila, Polish, General English course.
26/02/2010: “Cosy atmosphere, helpful people, small number of people in each class .. fantastic host family” – Ramona, Switzerland, General English course.
26/02/2010: “She’s a really good teacher, I’m very happy with her .. I like the school because it is very familiar.” – Alba, Spain, General English course.
17/02/2010: “Money very well-spent! I learned more in 3 weeks than I did in the last 10 years of courses at home!” – Marcello, Italy, General English course.
12/02/2010: “The course was good. I found everything useful. The teachers are very good and well-skilled. The school was super and the extra activities were well-organised. Thanks everybody!” – Samantha, Italy, General English course.
12/02/2010: “Good atmosphere. Well-organised. Interesting material. Good teachers. The activities were excellent and everybody at the school was interested in us (the students). Thanks a lot.” – Nacho, Spain, General English course.
“The best thing about the course is you get to know a lot of people from different nationalities. And learn to speak and understand English. I sure had fun meeting a lot of people and speaking and making friends with them.. My teacher is a very good teacher. I mean she really has helped us in understanding English. And she really knows how to relate to students from different nationalities. So I say she’s excellent in teaching English. I sure had a wonderful experience in the DLTC” – Adrian, Philippines
“Very nice experience, certainly to be repeated” – Elisabetta, Italy
“Very nice and friendly teachers and students, beautiful place, very interesting lessons. Very very pleasant family. I loved and I love my host family” – Carla, Italy
“I enjoyed a lot your school! The best school in Dublin!!! I hope to see all of you again in the future!” – Dmytro, Ukraine
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